The Reflection

The Days moved with sun and moon
I was looking for that boon
Those loads of thoughts
The so called fights
For nothing
Still for something
No one knew the gust
So they became my guest
What is life?
I asked to myself 
The reflection had a strong want of exploring the self
The quest started at that moment 
The strange mind, asked a change
I  was battered 
I  was hammered 
All into me every time
Sometimes it turned me an evil
So a few saw the devil 
Some obsessions 
Some compulsions
Some possessions 
A tough challenge to the mirror and its image 
Never bothered for a single person 
Who was silent with my shadows
Yes the image
Exclaimed the change
The I In me have dusted 
To make it happen
By odd or even

I lived  
With dead and alive
With sorrow and happiness
With abjectness
With objections 
With rejections
I locked myself for days 
My window panes said me here is your dream
Every time I hear the church bells
It had the sound of a my ill and will 
My faith was buried deep inside 
Beside the four walls of my side
The candles in the dark  
I never explained anyone 
I never guessed about anyone
So the bad had nothing to plough 
The rough and tough 
Time made me bold

That was story of a girl who lost her track 
Till the day she saw her reflection 
The story of change
Without any revenge 
It’s all about her passion 
The true story Of A reflection!
See your reflection & explore the self!

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