You know why? that is the strength of inner voice, nobody can touch it or torture with their random voices or misguided ways. Being a strong willed person may end up losing many especially the fake and dishonest!That is the beauty of being yourself. Hope is those who are real, true, strongly bonded, and bounded with pure intentions will be there like a root to hold and grip to catch. That is why some journeys make it worthy than rest of them ,It's not about the battle but the final destination it takes. The more you feel lonely,the more likely the journey is incredible .The more you doubt the more it is confirming,the more isolation the more you gain attention.
Like the heroes of all movie before the success he has to go through unexpected changes and moments, but his determination, wisdom, intuition nearing to that chance of winning he makes a move, a move which all others looks upon skeptically except his blind believe there is nothing to make it sensible, even if it sound hard with some cold words remebering the the real angel his inner voice evokes a immovable spirit within the hero awakes with lots of strength and power next step is he flies for it . All around even we as audience may feel the stress and fear of loss.
But something magical happens!And the hero wins to be strong.
When he owns success around there is all people who disregarded and misunderstood comes to comfort and send love,you also see people running back for an apology . This is how sometimes even life , the moment we give up an inner voice comes to resuce us saying "Hey! Never Quit"! Believe In Yourself, It's Yours. Never Give Up No Matter What Happens.
Now! How does a hero becomes hero? is it the challenges he face? the strong headed villian? Or the strong will to go beyond imagination and experience? it's absolutely the strong will, a will which never bothers the will power of competitor. Often the competition is not with outsiders it is within ourself.
Our thoughts, actions & belief system.
If you ever feel down say " Never Give Up No Matter What Happens!