Peace is all what we seek everywhere
We need peace
People work for peace
Peace is all what all the religion preaches
You need a home, a shelter a nest to sleep peacefully
You need a good job to live peacefully during old age
You need good people around you, good friends and a soul
mate to live peacefully and harmoniously.
In fact peace is that little big thing what we all thrive for,
live for
Peace is our basic need
Rest all becomes secondary
Staying peaceful living peacefully is a dream with creamy
layer of hopes and desires
Let us live for peace, pray for peace and shade the world
with peace and love
Let us all be one for peace, let us trust and unite for peace
and make this world a better space for you me and the entire human race .
Let us work for a world without discrimination ,racism ,war ,poverty and illness ..
.let us care ,nurture and grow holding love for being one .
let the dove fly with happiness with olive leaves in its beak spreading the word of peace ...igniting our hearts and minds .
Happy International Peace day for all peace lovers and
supporters .
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